Membership Benefits

Membership of norths Squash Club is available for members of Norths Leagues Club at a very reasonable $20 per year. As a member of norths Squash Club we offer the following benefits:-

You can register today using this link, or you can simply come along on a Monday night and try the round robin and register with one of the committee members at the courts. 

Note that squash court bookings outside the times mentioned above are organised through norths Fitness (Ph: (02) 9245 3011 or online booking: and are independent of norths Squash Club membership.

You can find more information in the Squash Club FAQ document (in the attachments area on this page).

Life Membership

A member may nominate another member of the Club for Life Membership by submission in writing to the Committee at least 7 days prior to a duly convened General Meeting. The nominee will be granted Life Membership if at least 75% of members present at the General Meeting vote in favour.