External Tournaments
Squash Club Assistance
norths Squash Club encourages the participation of its members in external tournaments. Financial assistance will/may be provided by the Squash Club to assist in members meeting their personnel expenses.This form is to be completed and submitted with attached supportive documentation detailing proof of tournament entry via email to our Club Treasurer. (treasurer@northssquash.com).
Claim Guidelines
Local/State Tournaments - Club will subsidise tournament entry fee only;
Australian Tournaments - Club will subsidise $50 per member;
International Tournaments - Club will subsidise $100 per member plus a club shirt for exchange with an opponent;
Must be a financial member of the norths Squash Club;
Must be a registered pennant or masters player for norths Squash Club;
Subsidies are effective from 1/2/2015 and will be reviewed annually, the committee has the right to refuse claims;
There is a limit of $150 subsidy/member/calendar year;
Claims must be submitted by 31 December of the year the claim relates to;
Members must submit tournament supportive documentation i.e. entry fee receipt;
Unless apparel is supplied by the tournament organisers, members must wear club shirt when participating;
Members must take photos for the club newsletter and web site, including a short worded summary.
[Below list is not exhaustive, refer note below]
Note: Other tournaments can be claimed and will be evaluated by the committee on a “case by case” basis.